Not all hospitals offer the same support to mothers who want to breastfeed. Find out if there is support for breastfeeding at the hospital where your baby will be born. Ask about this when you are pregnant so you will know what to expect. All New-Brunswick hospitals have lactation consultants that you can see during your hospital stay after the birth of your baby.


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a. Questions to Ask before Labour

One way to prepare for breastfeeding is to ask questions. If possible, question the hospital staff before your due date. Here is a list of questions you can ask the staff at the hospital where your baby will be born. You can print the list and bring it with you to the hospital so you can discuss with the nurses during labour.


b. Goals for Breastfeeding in the Hospital

A good start is the key to successful and happy breastfeeding experience.

Here are some breastfeeding goals for the time you will be in the hospital. By setting goals, you will get a good start.

c. Breastfeeding Plan

This is an example of a breastfeeding plan that you may use during your stay in the hospital. Keep this plan and if possible, share it with your partner, your health care provider, your nurse, or any other person who may be around for your beginning as a breastfeeding mother.

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Test Your Knowledge


Congratulations! By completing this module, you have learned how to prepare to breastfeed your baby. The following exercise will allow you to verify if you are ready to begin the wonderful experience of breastfeeding.

Click on the button that corresponds to the correct answer and check your answer by clicking on the "Check" button.


The newborn should be placed to the breast

a) immediatly following birth or as soon as possible.
b) two hours after birth.
c) three hours after birth.
d) when the baby is hungry.
Right answer! Your baby should be put skin to skin on your chest immediately following birth or as soon as possible.  It is the start of a special time between you and your baby.Wrong answer! Your baby should be put skin to skin on your chest immediately following birth or as soon as possible.  It is the start of a special time between you and your baby.

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Among the following people, who would be best suited to be part of your breastfeeding support group?

a) Your mother who has never breastfed.
b) Your neighbor who has breastfed her two children.
c) Your health care provider
d) Your sister who does not have any children but is always ready to give you advice.
Right answer! Your neighbor who has breastfed her two children is best suited to be part of your support group.Wrong answer! Your neighbor who has breastfed her two children is best suited to be part of your support group.

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How long is it recommended to breastfeed exclusively?

a) 2 months
b) 4 months
c) 6 months
d) 12 months
Right answer! Breast milk is all the food your baby needs during the first six months.Wrong answer! Breast milk is all the food your baby needs during the first six months.

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What is the best thing your partner can do to help you breastfeed?

a) Give the baby a bottle of breast milk during the night to allow you to rest.
b) Prepare the bottles of formula ahead of time in case you do not have enough breast milk.
c) Carry the baby in a baby carriage while you take a relaxing bath.
d) Sleep in another room during the first month following the baby's birth.
Right answer! The best thing your partner can do is to take care of the baby while you relax.Wrong answer! The best thing your partner can do is to take care of the baby while you relax.

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While breastfeeding during the first days following birth it is better to

a) always use the same position in order for the baby to learn the latch-on skills.
b) always begin with the left breast so as not to confuse the baby.
c) use different positions and offer both breasts at each feeding.
d) give the baby a pacifier after breastfeeding.
Right answer!During the first days of breastfeeding, it is better to offer both breasts and use different positions at each feeding to ensure a good supply and intake of milk.Wrong answer! During the first days of breastfeeding, it is better to offer both breasts and use different positions at each feeding to ensure a good supply of milk.

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While in the hospital, it is better to

a) keep your baby with you 24 hours a day in order to get a good start at breastfeeding.
b) leave the baby in the nursery as much as possible so that you can rest.
c) enjoy as much company as possible.
d) take the baby only when he/she is hungry or crying.
Right answer! During your stay at the hospital, it is preferable to keep your baby with you as much as possible. Often, babies breastfeed better if they have skin to skin contact with their mother.Wrong answer! During your stay at the hospital, it is preferable to keep your baby with you as much as possible. Often, babies breastfeed better if they have skin to skin contact with their mother.

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When is the best time to get ready for breastfeeding?

a) Before you are pregnant.
b) During your pregnancy.
c) In the hospital after the delivery.
d) It is not necessary to get ready because breastfeeding is natural and you will automatically know how to do it.
Right answer! Pregnancy is the ideal time to prepare for breastfeeding.Wrong answer! Pregnancy is the ideal time to prepare for breastfeeding.

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Which among the following statements is not a good prenatal breastfeeding goal?

a) I will tell the hospital personnel that I intend to breastfeed my baby.
b) I will ask my partner for help so that breastfeeding is a success in our family.
c) I will wait to see how I make out at the hospital before deciding if I will continue breastfeeding.
d) I will learn as much as possible about breastfeeding in order to gain confidence.
Right answer! Waiting to see how you will make out at the hospital is not the ideal way to prepare for breastfeeding.Wrong answer! Waiting to see how you will make out at the hospital is not the ideal way to prepare for breastfeeding.

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