Your sexual relationship is another area of your life that will be changing as you adjust to parenthood. Learning to share and care about each other in a new way can add warmth and depth to your relationship and allow you to discover each other all over again.

A new baby turns a woman into a mother, a man into a father, and a couple into a family. Your relationship as a couple still exists but you can expect some changes.

Some couples have trouble working out a new relationship that is satisfying to both. The key is to talk about how you feel. Be open with one another. A sense of humour can help too.


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a. Sexuality

Resuming intercourse after childbirth is sometimes stressful for one of the two partners.

Adapting to the new role of a parent, fatigue, and the new mother's perception of her body after childbirth can play an important role in the resumption of intercourse.

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Test Your Knowledge


The following exercise will help you learn more about intercourse after childbirth.

Click on the option button which corresponds to the correct answer and verify your answer by clicking on the "Check" button.


Most new mothers are ready to resume intercourse

a) immediately after childbirth.
b) six weeks after childbirth.
c) when their stitches have healed and the vaginal discharge (lochia) has stopped.
d) when the baby sleeps all night.
Right answer! Most new mothers are ready to resume intercourse when their stitches have healed and the vaginal discharge ( lochia ) has stopped. Wrong answer! Most new mothers are ready to resume intercourse when their stitches have healed and the vaginal discharge ( lochia ) has stopped.

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What can a couple do to facilitate resuming intercourse?

a) Wait until both partners feel like having intercourse.
b) Try new positions to cope with these discomforts.
c) Wait 6 weeks before resuming intercourse.
d) Have someone babysit outside the home in order to have more privacy.
Right answer ! Trying new positions may help certain couples when resuming intercourse.Wrong answer ! Trying new positions may help certain couples when resuming intercourse.


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Among the following reasons which one can reduce the new mother's interest in sex?

a) Fatigue
b) Stress
c) Physical changes
d) The baby's presence
Right answer! Many new mothers are so tired that they lose interest in sex. Many new fathers have the same reaction.Wrong answer! Many new mothers are so tired that they lose interest in sex. Many new fathers have the same reaction.

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If the mother is going through postpartum blues,

a) her interest in sex is not affected.
b) her interest in sex increases.
c) her interest in sex decreases.
d) none of the above.
Right answer! Mothers who are going through postpartum blues or postpartum depression may lose interest in sex. Wrong answer! Mothers who are going through postpartum blues or postpartum depression may lose interest in sex.

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New mothers find that taking care of their new baby fulfills which need?

a) The need to be loved.
b) The need to be listened to.
c) The need to be touched.
d) The need to talk.
Right answer! Many new mothers find caring for the new baby meets their need to be touched and held. They may not feel the need to be touched by their partner. This can be upsetting to a partner who is used to a close and affectionate relationship.Wrong answer! Many new mothers find caring for the new baby meets their need to be touched and held. They may not feel the need to be touched by their partner. This can be upsetting to a partner who is used to a close and affectionate relationship.

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What can a couple do to maintain their relationship during this difficult time after childbirth?

a) Go out on your own.
b) Spend time together.
c) Get a babysitter more often.
d) Wait until things return to normal.
Right answer! Try to keep your romance alive by spending time alone together. Going for a walk, or drive, or out for a coffee together can give both of you a chance to remember that you are friends and lovers as well as parents. Wrong answer! Try to keep your romance alive by spending time alone together. Going for a walk, or drive, or out for a coffee together can give both of you a chance to remember that you are friends and lovers as well as parents.

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b. Birth Control

Immediately after birth, birth control may be just about the farthest thing from your mind. Sooner or later you will want to resume intercourse. So it is a good idea to be prepared.

After childbirth, you can ovulate and become pregnant even though you have not had a period. This is also true when you are breastfeeding.

Condoms are the safest method of birth control for the first few weeks after childbirth. After your postpartum checkup, you may want to use a different method. Using condoms is the only method that can prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Here are a few points to consider when choosing birth control.

If you are alone or with a partner, there are many factors to consider when choosing birth control. Some forms of birth control may interfere with breastmilk production. It is important to discuss birth control options with your partner and health care professional.

To learn more about birth control and select the best one for you, visit the following web site: www.sexualityandu.ca .

Remember that if you try one method and you are not happy with it, you can always try another.