2. Care of Your Incision

For two to six days your incision will be covered with a dressing. During your stay at the hospital the nurse will clean and change your dressing. You will be able to shower the day after delivery. You can remove the dressing while you shower. . If you are not sure that you can take a shower, ask the nurse for help.

Depending on the kind of stitches in your incision, they will either dissolve or be removed a few days after the surgery. Some doctors use metal clips or staples to close the incision. These will also need to be removed a few days after surgery.

Your incision will be sore at first and, as it heals, may feel numb, itchy, tight, or tender. This is a normal part of healing.

Your health care provider will tell you how to take care of your incision after you leave the hospital. Usually, your incision won't require any special care after you go home.

During feedings, place a pillow between your baby and the incision. You will both be more comfortable.