e. Comfort Measures

Breathing, relaxation, finding comfortable positions, and massage will all help you feel better during labour.

Remember that labour is different for each woman. There are no good or bad techniques; only techniques that are more or less effective. Try different ones to find what works best for you.







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The following exercise will help you learn more about the measures that provide a comfort during labour and delivery.

Click on the option button which corresponds to the correct answer and verify your answer by clicking on the "Check" button.


Among the following options, which is the most appropriate to help the mother relax?

a) Rub the forehead with a warm cloth.
b) Apply a hot water bottle to the lower back.
c) Apply an ice pack to the lower back.
d) All of the above.
Right answer! Certain women prefer heat while others prefer cold. It doesn't matter what you prefer. You need to find what works best for you. Wrong answer! Certain women prefer heat while others prefer cold. It doesn't matter what you prefer. You need to find what works best for you.

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How can hydrotherapy be useful during labour and delivery?

a) Helps reduce the length of labour.
b) Helps prevent an epidural. (local anaesthesia)
c) Helps the mother relax.
d) All of the above.
Right answer! In addition to being an effective relaxant, the shower, the bath, and the whirlpool can reduce the length of labour and prevent an epidural. However, the water temperature must be lower than 39 °C.Wrong answer! In addition to being an effective relaxant, the shower, the bath, and the whirlpool can reduce the length of labour and prevent an epidural. However, the water temperature must be lower than 39 °C.

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Among the following measures, which one is the most appropriate during labour and delivery?

a) Play cards.
b) Listen to music.
c) Watch a movie.
d) Discuss with a person who has had a child.
Right answer! Familiar music could help you relax and feel at home.Wrong answer! Familiar music could help you relax and feel at home.

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What could you do to replace the lost fluids, maintain your level of energy, and quench your thirst?

a) Drink strong coffee or tea.
b) Drink milk and eat ice cream.
c) Drink water, apple juice, black tea, jello, or popsicles.
d) Liquids are forbidden during labour.
Right answer! During labour you can drink water, apple juice, black tea, jello, or popsicles. If your mouth becomes dry, suck on ice cubes, a wet face cloth, or an unsweetened lollipop. Wrong answer! During labour you can drink water, apple juice, black tea, jello, or popsicles. If your mouth becomes dry, suck on ice cubes, a wet face cloth, or an unsweetened lollipop.

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What could you do to focus your attention during your contractions?

a) Use an object you brought from home or a focal point chosen in the room.
b) Look at your labour partner's face.
c) Use a mental image.
d) All of the above.
Right answer! You may use a photo, a toy, your partner's face, or a crack in the wall. You may also chose a mental image such as peaceful scenery, a happy souvenir, or the image you have of your baby. Your focal point may change during labour. Wrong answer! You may use a photo, a toy, your partner's face, or a crack in the wall. You may also chose a mental image such as peaceful scenery, a happy souvenir, or the image you have of your baby. Your focal point may change during labour.

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Which among the following items could be useful during labour and delivery?

a) A birthing ball.
b) A skipping rope.
c) A yoga mat.
d) Comfortable walking shoes.
Right answer! The birthing ball is an exercise ball that can be used for positioning and reducing pain during labour. You can try a variety of positions with help. The ball allows you to rock comfortably backwards and forwards. It can also be used during pregnancy.Wrong answer! The birthing ball is an exercise ball that can be used for positioning and reducing pain during labour. You can try a variety of positions with help. The ball allows you to rock comfortably backwards and forwards. It can also be used during pregnancy.

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