2. Hard Breasts

The breasts may become hard or engorged the first days after birth. This engorgement is caused by an accumulation of milk in the breasts. This happens during the inflow of milk usually three to four days after the birth of your baby. If your breasts become hard, the baby may have trouble feeding. The hardness should only last 1-2 days. Here is some advice to help soften your breasts.

During the first weeks, you may have to express breast milk if your breasts are too hard for the baby to latch on.

You will find more information on expressing breast milk in Module 8 entitled "Healthy Family".

Ask for help immediately if you:

  • cannot soften your breasts or have trouble breastfeeding.
  • have red or painful areas on your breasts.
  • have a fever.
  • ​feel ill.