Test Your Knowledge


This exercise will help you recognize the symptoms that should encourage you to consult your health care provider.

Click on the option button that matches the correct answer and validate your answer by clicking on the «Check« button.


Vaginal bleeding is normal during pregnancy.

a) True
b) False
Right answer! Certain women have delivered healthy babies even though light bleeding occurred during the first months of pregnancy. Bleeding must, however, be taken seriously because it may be the sign of a miscarriage. Consult your health care provider if bleeding occurs.Wrong answer! Certain women have delivered healthy babies even though light bleeding occurred during the first months of pregnancy. Bleeding must, however, be taken seriously because it may be the sign of a miscarriage. Consult your health care provider if bleeding occurs.

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If a liquid other than blood flows from the vagina, you must see the doctor rapidly.

a) True
b) False
Right answer! An unusual vaginal flow, especially if there is a fever, could be a sign of a vaginal or cervical infection. It could also indicate a loss of water (if the pregnancy is advanced). Consult your health care provider if you experience this.Wrong answer! An unusual vaginal flow, especially if there is a fever, could be a sign of a vaginal or cervical infection. It could also indicate a loss of water (if the pregnancy is advanced). Consult your health care provider if you experience this.

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Sudden swelling of the hands, feet, or face, during pregnancy is very disturbing.

a) True
b) False
Right answer! If you have a sudden swelling of your hands, feet, or face, different from swellings you may have had before, see a health care provider immediately.Wrong answer!If you have a sudden swelling of your hands, feet, or face, different from swellings you may have had before, see a health care provider immediately.

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A major headache may be a symptom of a more serious problem.

a) True
b) False
Right answer! True. It may be caused by high blood pressure. Consult your health care provider. Wrong answer!It may be caused by high blood pressure. Consult your health care provider.

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Dizzy spells are frequent during pregnancy.

a) True
b) False
Right answer! Dizzy spells are often caused by hormonal changes, a modification to blood circulation, or a decrease of sugar in the blood. If this happens, try eating something sweet. Dizzy spells may be alleviated if you snack regularly and eat light nutritional meals. However, if the dizzy spells persist, consult your health care provider.Wrong answer! Dizzy spells are often caused by hormonal changes, a modification to blood circulation, or a decrease of sugar in the blood. If this happens, try eating something sweet. Dizzy spells may be alleviated if you snack regularly and eat light nutritional meals. However, if the dizzy spells persist, consult your health care provider.

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A pregnant woman who feels pain or a burning sensation while urinating should discuss this with her doctor.

a) True
b) False
Right answer! A pain or a burning sensation while urinating may indicate a bladder infection. Consult a health care provider. He/she may prescribe antibiotics.Wrong answer! A pain or a burning sensation while urinating may indicate a bladder infection. Consult a health care provider. He/she may prescribe antibiotics.

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Having a chill or fever during pregnancy may be more serious than you think.

a) True
b) False
Right answer! These symptoms may be the indication of a condition which is more than a bad cold. Consult a health care provider without delay.Wrong answer! These symptoms may be the indication of a condition which is more than a bad cold. Consult a health care provider without delay.

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At the end of the pregnancy, it is normal to feel the baby's movements less.

a) True
b) False
Right answer! Near the end of the pregnancy, the baby has less room to move, but the mother should feel the baby's movements regularly. If you have the feeling that your baby is moving less or not at all, consult the health care provider without delay.Wrong answer! Near the end of the pregnancy, the baby has less room to move, but the mother should feel the baby's movements regularly. If you have the feeling that your baby is moving less or not at all, consult the health care provider without delay.

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Sight troubles such as blurred vision or seeing spots are disturbing symptoms during pregnancy.

a) True
b) False
Right answer! Vision problems are symptoms of toxemia. Other symptoms are pain in the right upper abdomen, headaches, and unusual swelling of the face. If you experience one of these symptoms, contact your health care provider immediately.Wrong answer! Vision problems are symptoms of toxemia. Other symptoms are pain in the right upper abdomen, headaches, and unusual swelling of the face. If you experience one of these symptoms, contact your health care provider immediately.

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