Test Your Knowledge


The following exercise will help you learn a little more about colic and provide you with some coping techniques.

Click on the option button which corresponds to the correct answer and verify your answer by clicking on the "Check" button.


We do not know the cause of colic.

a) True
b) False
Right answer! Nobody knows what causes colic and why only certain babies have colic.Wrong answer! Nobody knows what causes colic and why only certain babies have colic.

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Colic always occurs during the night.

a) True
b) False
Right answer! Colic occurs mostly in the evening.Wrong answer! Colic occurs mostly in the evening.

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Colic begins at birth and disappears when the baby is two months old.

a) True
b) False
Right answer! Colic usually begins during the first weeks after birth. In most cases, colic stops when the baby reaches three or four months old.Wrong answer! Colic usually begins during the first weeks after birth. In most cases, colic stops when the baby reaches three or four months old.

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Colic is often mistaken for crying related to other causes.

a) True
b) False
Right answer! Talk with your health care provider or public health nurse to be sure that there are no other reasons causing your baby to cry.Wrong answer! Talk with your health care provider or public health nurse to be sure that there are no other reasons causing your baby to cry.

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If your baby has colic, you may need help.

a) True
b) False
Right answer! If your baby has colic, get as much rest and help as you can. Let others take care of the baby, make meals, and take care of the other children. Remember that this situation will not last forever.Wrong answer! If your baby has colic, get as much rest and help as you can. Let others take care of the baby, make meals, and take care of the other children. Remember that this situation will not last forever.

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A calm atmosphere can help a baby with colic.

a) True
b) False
Right answer! Try to stay calm and keep the baby calm. Play soft, soothing music. Hum or sing. Walk or rock your baby. Rub the baby's back for comfort and to help pass gas.Wrong answer! Try to stay calm and keep the baby calm. Play soft, soothing music. Hum or sing. Walk or rock your baby. Rub the baby's back for comfort and to help pass gas.

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Babies with colic should never be placed on their tummy.

a) True
b) False
Right answer!Try different positions to comfort the baby. Lay your baby on their tummy and rub their back or lay the baby on their back and rub their tummy. Place a warm cloth on the tummy or bath the baby in the tub.Wrong answer! Try different positions to comfort the baby. Lay your baby on their and rub his/her back or lay the baby on their back and rub his/her tummy. Place a warm cloth on the tummy or bath the baby in the tub.

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Noise and movement can sometimes help colicky babies.

a) True
b) False
Right answer! Use an infant carrier with the baby facing you. You can carry and comfort your baby when you have to do other things. Take the baby for a ride in the car or carriage. Noise and movement can sometimes help. Wrong answer! Use an infant carrier with the baby facing you. You can carry and comfort your baby when you have to do other things. Take the baby for a ride in the car or carriage. Noise and movement can sometimes help.

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If you smoke, the nicotine is passed to the baby in the breast milk and can make the baby irritable.

a) True
b) False
Right answer! You should consider quitting smoking, diminishing the number of cigarettes you smoke, or smoking only after feeding the baby. If you smoke cigarettes, breastfeeding can provide your baby with protective factors from the breastmilk (i.e. less respiratory illness).Wrong answer! You should consider quitting smoking, diminishing the number of cigarettes you smoke, or smoking only after feeding the baby. If you smoke cigarettes, breastfeeding can provide your baby with protective factors from the breastmilk (i.e. less respiratory illness).

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