Risk and recommandations associated with the usage of medicine

Name of medecine Risks for the foetus Recommendations
Antacids (ex: Tums, Rolaids, Maalox) 
Probably without risk if used occasionally.

Consult your health care provider before taking these medications.

Antimistamines (medication for colds and allergies) 
We don't have much knowledge about the risks associated with using these medications during pregnancy. Consult your health care provider before taking these medications.
Products rich in fibre. (ex.:. Metamucil) are not dangerous. Consult your health care provider before taking these medications.
Medication against vomiting (ex: Gravol, Diclectin)
These medications do not present all the same risks for the foetus. USE ONLY with your health care provider's permission.
Pain relief medicine

Over the counter medication with acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) ex: Aspirin, Bufferin, Anacin or anti-inflammatory pills (ex: Advil, Motrin). 

Over the counter medication with acetaminophen (ex: Tylenol, Atasol).

Over the counter medication with codeine (ex: 222, Tylenol with codeine) 


Without risk if used occasionally.





Probably without risk if used occasionally.

Use occasionally. Consult your health care provider before using regularly. Do not take more than recommended dosage.

Do not use any medications with ASA or anti-inflammatory pills (ex: Advil, Motrin) during the last trimester.

Consult your health care provider before taking codeine containing products or others narcotics.

Sleeping pills
The risk for the baby depends on the type of sleeping pills.
If taken frequently, the baby could have respiratory problems at birth and show signs of withdrawal.
DO NOT USE unless recommended by your health care provider. You may require help to stop using sleeping pills if you use them regularly.
Tranquilizers (ex: Valium, Ativan) 

If tranquillizers are used regularly the baby could have respiratory problems at birth and show signs of withdrawal. DO NOT USE unless recommended by your health care provider. You may require help to stop using tranquillizers if you use them regularly.