My List of Goals for Breastfeeding

Here are some suggestions of goals for breastfeeding. Click on each goal you would like to add to your personal list. You can even print it to consult it.

I will breastfeed my new baby within a half hour of birth.

I will build my breastfeeding support group while I am pregnant.

I will find out about breastfeeding at the hospital where my baby will be born

I will tell the hospital staff that I plan to breastfeed my baby.

I will read about the breastfeeding goals at my hospital.

I will develop a breastfeeding plan that excludes the provision of a bottle or pacifier.

I will accept that breastfeeding takes time, patience, and effort.

I will accept that the first few weeks will be a learning period for both my baby and myself.

I will ask my partner to help me so that breastfeeding will be a success in our family.

I will learn as much as possible about breastfeeding so I feel confident.

I will try to quit smoking now.

I will breastfeed my baby as long as possible because the benefits will favor his/her development.