Give Children Time to Get Used to the New Baby

Give Children Time to Get Used to the New Baby.

  • This is a big change! Be patient. Older children often try to get your attention by acting like a baby. Do not punish them for this. Let them know that you love them just the way they are.
  • Bring a present from the baby home from the hospital with you.
  • Try not to make too big a fuss over the baby. Do not use the baby as a reason for not doing something for the other children. Try not to say "Be quiet, you'll wake the baby" or "Be careful of the baby" too often.
  • Let the children help with the baby if they want to, but don't force it. Don't put your children in a position where they could hurt the baby, even accidentally.
  • Each parent should try to spend time alone with older children. They need to know that they are still special and loved.
  • Many parents don't feel instant love for a new baby. Neither will brothers and sisters. Bonding with a new baby takes time. Children who feel loved themselves will find it much easier to love the new baby.