Test Your Knowledge


This is an exercise that will help you find solutions to cope with the changing emotions caused by your partner's pregnancy.

Click on the button that corresponds to the correct answer and check your answer by clicking on the "Check" button.


The best person to discuss my emotions with is my partner.

a) True
b) False
Right answer! Talk about your feelings with your partner. Share your happiness and joys as well as your worries and concerns. Listen to your partner talk about her feelings. Tell her what kind of father you would like to be. Wrong answer! Talk about your feelings with your partner. Share your happiness and joys as well as your worries and concerns. Listen to your partner talk about her feelings. Tell her what kind of father you would like to be.

Check your answer


A future dad needs to inquire about pregnancy as much as a future mom.

a) True
b) False
Right answer! Read and inquire about pregnancy and the birthing process. In addition, inquire about the baby's ongoing development and the physical changes that will occur during pregnancy. The more you know, the more you will understand and be able to help your partner through all these times of change.Wrong answer! Read and inquire about pregnancy and the birthing process. In addition, inquire about the baby's ongoing development and the physical changes that will occur during pregnancy. The more you know, the more you will understand and be able to help your partner through all these times of change.

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The father should attend the prenatal appointments.

a) True
b) False
Right answer! If possible, go to the health care provider with your partner. Talk to the health care provider and other medical professionals. Ask the questions that go through your head. Listen to your baby's heartbeat. Doing these things will make the pregnancy more real to you. Wrong answer! If possible, go to the health care provider with your partner. Talk to the health care provider and other medical professionals. Ask the questions that go through your head. Listen to your baby's heartbeat. Doing these things will make the pregnancy more real to you.

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Delivery is a woman's affair. It is up to her exclusively to decide what kind of delivery she wants.

a) True
b) False
Right answer! Plan the birth together. Discuss what you both want. Do the prenatal exercises with her. Read about labour and delivery and if possible, watch a video about the delivery. You will be better prepared for the big day.Wrong answer! Plan the birth together. Discuss what you both want. Do the prenatal exercises with her. Read about labour and delivery and if possible, watch a video about the delivery. You will be better prepared for the big day.

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The father has an input on the decision to breastfeed or not.

a) True
b) False
Right answer! Decide together how you will feed the baby. Breastfeeding is best for your baby. Your partner needs to know that you will be there for her if she decides to breastfeed. There are several advantages to breastfeeding. Look at Module 4 entitled "Deciding to Breastfeed"to learn more about this subject.Wrong answer! Decide together how you will feed your baby. Breastfeeding is best for the baby. Your partner needs to know that you will be there for her if she decides to breastfeed. There are several advantages to breastfeeding. Look at Module 4 entitled "Deciding to Breastfeed"to learn more about this subject.

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It is good to discuss the future during pregnancy.

a) True
b) False
Right answer! Talk about the future with your partner now. Plan your future together. Talk about how you plan on sharing work, responsibilities, the baby's care, housework, and parental leave if applicable. Share the joy you feel about the arrival of the baby. Wrong answer! Talk about the future with your partner now. Plan your future together. Talk about how you plan on sharing work, responsibilities, the baby's care, housework, and parental leave if applicable. Share the joy you feel about the arrival of the baby.

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