Healthy Family


How to Bathe Your Baby


Safety Bath Time Tips


Reasons Your Baby Cries and What to Do

Possible reasons A few tips
Hungry or thirsty
  • Feed the baby, especially if it's been more than two hours since the last feeding.
  • Crying is a late sign of hunger.
  • Burp the baby.
  • Check the diapers pins.
  • Change wet or dirty diapers.
  • Change the baby's position.
  • Gently rub the baby's back.
  • Check the room's temperature (not too hot, not too cold).
  • Make sure the baby is not overdressed or underdressed.
Insecure (does not feel secure)
  • Wrap the baby securely in a light blanket.
  • Help the baby feel secure by moving slowly and calmly.
  • Hold the baby close and cuddle.
Lonely (feels alone) or bored
  • Talk or sing to your baby.
  • Move the baby to a room with other people.
  • Play music.
  • Rock the baby.
  • Take the baby for a walk.
  • Give the baby a toy or a mobile to watch.
Overtired (too tired)
  • Move the baby to a quieter place.
  • Give the baby something to suck - your breast or a soother. The use of soothers is not recommended for healthy full term babies until breastfeeding is well establised (about 4 to 6 weeks).
  • Try quiet motions - rocking, patting, or riding in a car or carriage.
  • Turn on the dishwasher, clothes dryer or washing machine. Babies often like these sounds. They remind them of the sounds they heard in their mother's womb.
  • Take a warm bath with your baby. (Be sure that there is somebody to hold the baby while you get in and out of the bathtub).
Fussy time of day
  • Try ideas for an overtired baby. This usually happens in late afternoon or early evening.
  • Try to plan ahead to make this time of day calmer. For example, get supper ready ahead of time and plan activities to keep your other children busy.
  • Ask for help during this busy time. Your partner or someone else can take care of the other children or do the chores while you take care of the baby.
  • Use a ®Snugli so you can hold your baby close and still have your hands free. Babies who are held and cuddled for longer periods cry less.

The baby that cries continuously



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