Healthy Activity


Elbow Circles

Elbow Circles

  • Stand or sit up straight.
  • Make a large cicle by moving your elbows formward, up, and back.
  • Repeat a few times.
  • Relax with your arms at your side.

Activities during pregnancy

Safe activies Be careful with these Activities to avoid
  • Walking
  • Aquafit (exercices in a pool)
  • Swimming
  • Biking, especially on a stationary bike
  • Cross-country skiing on flat ground
  • Snowshoeing
  • Low-impact aerobic exercises
  • Prenatal exercises with a qualified teacher
  • Yoga
  • Tai chi

Tennis and other racket sports

  • Decrease these sports.
  • Stop after your sixth month.


  • Adjust your swing. Do not twist or jerk.


  • Do not bend too far forward or lose your balance.

Weight training

  • Do not lift weights while lying on your back.
  • Use low weights and high repetitions.
  • Lessen the weight as your pregnancy progresses.
  • Use weight machines.
  • Avoid free weights.
  • Do not hold your breath. Always breathe out when you are lifting.
  • Downhill skiing
  • Contact sports such as basketball, volleyball, hockey
  • Scuse diving
  • Horseback riding especially jumping
  • Heavy weightlifting
  • Baseball or softball



Sitting Position

Sit up straight, with your back and the upper part of your buttocks resting against the back of the chair. Avoid sitting on the edge of the chair and slumping against the back.

Your feet should be out in front of you, either flat on the floor or supporte on a stool. Sitting with your legs crossed blocks blood flow to your legs.

Use a stool to raise your legs and feet as often as you can when sitting. This is a good time to do foot and ankle exercises to improve your circulation. Try making circles with your ankles and streching each foot up and down.
Use a small pillow to support your neck and your upper back. 




Lying Position

Lie on your side, bend both legs and put a pillow between them. It is recommended to sleep on your left side to improve blood circulation.
Lie on your side with one arm behind your back, and your top leg bent on a pillow. It is recommended to sleep on the left side to improve blood circulation.
Lie on your back with pillows under your shoulders and knees. In this position, the weight of the baby compresses a large blood vessel. You may feel dizzy and weak. Avoid sleeping on your back after your fourth month of pregnancy.




Avoid bending and twisting when you switch clothes from a top-load washer to a front-load dryer. Place the clothes on top of the dryer and then move them into the dryer.

When you hang clothes on a line, be sure that your laundry basket is set at waist level.

When ironing, rest one foot on a small stool. Changing positions will relieve tension in your back.

Bend your knees while making beds. If this is not possible, place one knee on the bed.

Balance yourself with one foot in front of the other. Keep your knees bent a bit and shift your weight from your back foot to your front foot. Tighten your abdominal muscles. Get on your knees to vacuum under furniture.

Balance the load by carrying the same weight in each hand. Heavy bags should be held close to your body and supported with your arms bent.
When removing grocery bags from the trunk of the car, place your foot or knee on the bumper.

Stand with feet apart. Tuck in buttocks and tighten stomach muscles. Bend knees and keep back straight. Pull object close to your body and lift with your legs.






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